May 9, 2024

Ponorogo, Indonesia

We have been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic for more than a year. Restrictions on activities outside the home, interaction activities that switch to using online activities are solutions that we can do so that this pandemic ends soon. This also applies to educational institutions by conducting distance learning activities.

Several government policies have been made so that the learning process remains in accordance with the objectives of education without compromising the health aspect. These include regional zone regulations that allow face-to-face learning activities and not, monitoring the implementation of strict health protocols, and monitoring a clean and healthy lifestyle.

This is not only a problem for school institutions. During the pandemic, parents are required to be able to guide and motivate children to continue learning. Based on the results of the Tanoto Foundation survey, 56% of parents of SD/MI children admitted that they were impatient and bored with their children’s abilities and concentration.

These data indicated that learning activities that were not carried out in schools or were not accompanied by professional staff have the potential to have long-lasting negative impacts. However, distance learning activities are still considered a school process with various shortcomings from teachers, students, and parents.

During this pandemic, parents and families have turned into home school teachers. Likewise, teachers have difficulty with curriculum achievement, minimal learning time. According to Irfan Fatkhurohman, PAUD lecturer at Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, the function of schools during the pandemic is a reflection to create schools that are easily accessible, easy to obtain sources of knowledge, are not bound by professions, and are able to accept input openly. Therefore, we can use the Covid-19 pandemic as a reflection to create educational institutions that humanize humans, not limited to time and place as well as rules that bind students.


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