Research Team

This project is supported and in collaboration with

Dr. Muhibuddin Fadhli

Dr. Muhibuddin Fadhli

An assistant professor at Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo who extremely concern about Instructional Technology on Early Childhood Development. Fadhli has co-authored a number of research papers and have articles published in various journals.

This Current Project is ACES (A- Community-Centered Educational Model for Developing Social Resilience through Play. The ACES project, funded by the UKRI-ESRC under the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), is building on the empathic and inclusive playful and gameful research and practice of Coventry University’s award-winning GameChangers initiative and its sister initiative – CreativeCulture in Malaysia. In the ACES project, we are investigating the impact of transformative education through playful approaches and experiences towards developing social resilience, targeting young people in Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

The second project is DICE is a global programme that imagines and activates new forms of cultural and economic agency. DICE does so by placing creativity, experimentation, co-design, social purpose, action research, and international connection at the heart of its work, the theme of our project is “The awakening batik ciprat in Karangpatihan Ponorogo”.

Dr. Bambang Harmanto

Dr. Bambang Harmanto

Dr. Rizal Arifin

Dr. Rizal Arifin

Rizal Arifin is a Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Rizal specializes in numerical condensed matter physics and is responsible to teach physics and other related fields to the undergraduate students. Currently, Rizal is the head of the institute for research and community services Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Rizal is inspired daily by his wife and their three children. In his free time, Rizal likes to play computer games with his children.

Dr. Happy Susanto

Dr. Happy Susanto

Dr. Rohmat Aldy Purnomo

Dr. Rohmat Aldy Purnomo

Aldy is researcher in Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo and Rumah Harapan who extremely concern about applied economy. Aldy has co-authored a number of research papers and have articles published in various journals.

Aldy is part of International Project in ACES (A- Community-Centered Educational Model for Developing Social Resilience through Play), which investigating the impact of transformative education through playful approaches and experiences towards developing social resilience, targeting young people in Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

Also, he has a economist which support global programme that imagines and activates new forms of cultural and economic agency, by placing creativity, experimentation, co-design, social purpose, action research, and international connection at the heart of its work, with his overseas partnership, such as Malaysia, Vietnam, United Kingdom, and Australia.

Dr. Deka Dyah Utami

Dr. Deka Dyah Utami

Researcher at Rumah Harapan Mulya (Home of Hope), which is a voluntary community that assists and helps improve the welfare of disabled people in Ponorogo, East Java Province, Indonesia. In DICE project, we are collaborating with Coventry University in UK.

I graduated as doctor in the field of educational technology and currently work as a instructional designer on ACES international projects which is funded by UKRI-GCRF collaborate with UK, Malaysia and Vietnam. In DICE project, I take part as a curriculum designer and technology analyst that will be used by volunteers to support product marketing from disabled community.

Beyond that, I am an orchid lover and also a young mother of a cute daughter who suddenly appears on the screen during meetings. Maybe one of you has seen her? Glad to collaborate with all of you.

Betaria N.A.E. Hastuti, S.S., M. Hum

Betaria N.A.E. Hastuti, S.S., M. Hum

She has been a Language Instructor mainly at Language Center, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia since 2014. In the past, she worked as a non-permanent English language lecturer at some Higher Education in Surakarta,Indonesia, including IAIN Surakarta (2014-2016), STP SAHID Surakarta (2016), and D3 English Program Sekolah Vokasi, UNS (2011-2020). She teaches English language for students studying at UNS. In addition to English, she is also a language enthusiast in Indonesian, especially Indonesian Language for Foreigners (BIPA). She serves as a BIPA instructor, engaging with foreigners, especially foreign students, who are interested in learning Bahasa Indonesia and get prepared to take a degree/further degree in Indonesia.

After completing her Master`s Degree in Linguistics in 2012, majoring in Translation, she has been involved with many translation works and projects (English to Indonesian and/or vice versa) regarding Academic journals written by lecturers/researchers. The skills she has in Indonesian and English languages and in Translation have supported her to improve her translation works.

Recently, being involved in ACES projects, together with the Indonesian Team, she encourages teachers and local community groups not only to be engaged in the project using playful approaches towards social resilience but also to extend the co-creation in the learning process during the pandemic.

Let’s cope with and adjust to the pandemic situation. The youth generation is our hope to better future and beyond.

Hand in hand, we can!


Research on Game and Pervasive Play
