May 9, 2024

Ponorogo, Indonesia

STEM is the first step for children to explore science, technology, engineering and mathematics in a simple and real way. You can search and see many STEM activities for all ages, either through the internet, books or the experiences of other educators. The weakness in implementing the STEM approach is ‘how to choose activities that are appropriate for the age of the child?’


As an educator, you certainly understand early childhood development. When you know more about how early children learn, you may have your own inspiration to create some activities that are appropriate for your children’s development and abilities.

Various simple activities such as digging the ground, scooping sand, exploring favorite applications on a child’s smartphone are STEM activities. When you drive in the neighborhood, you can describe the STEM processes affecting the development of cities. When your child is at home you can explain simple STEM such as pouring water in a glass, dissolving sugar by stirring, taking rice using a glass, etc.

Introducing STEM aspects to children does not have to go through main learning activities but through daily routine activities. You can give direct examples of the benefits of Science, Technology, Engineering and mathematics in daily activities. The main thing in doing the STEM approach is that you get to know the first development and characteristics of children.





Research on Game and Pervasive Play
