Rope-Jumping, Leveled Game That Recognize Gender Equality Early On

May 9, 2024

Ponorogo, Indonesia

Rope-Jumping is one of the traditional games that hone children’s physical motor skills. The game is popular because it has a challenging level of play. Rope-Jumping game is usually played by girls, but boys also play it for often because they feel challenged to show their prowess and agility.

The place to play Rope-Jumping is usually on the field, porch, or indoors. The tool needed is an elastic cord made of rows of rubber bands. The use of elastic rubber bands as play ropes is due to their elasticity and flexibility thus reducing injuries during play.

The Rope-Jumping game can be played if the number of players is more than 2. why should more than 2? Because two children will be in charge of holding the rope, and the rest will play. If there is a player who fails to pass the challenge, he will take turns to hold the rope. The more number of players, the more exciting this game will be.

At first glance, the Rope-Jumping looks like a trivial game. When the player passes the challenges in a level, the more difficult levels await to be conquered. Some of the benefits of Rope-Jumping game are:

  • Value of hard work: the value of hard work is reflected in the enthusiasm of the players trying to jump the rope with various heights.
  • The value of agility and accuracy: the value of agility and accuracy are reflected in the player’s effort to estimate the height of the rope by the jump they will do. Agility and accuracy can only be possessed if someone plays for often or practicing Rope-Jumping.
  • The value of sportsmanship: the value of sportsmanship is reflected in the attitude of players who do not cheat and are willing to replace the rope holder if they violate the rules set on the game.

On Rope-Jumping game, more strength, agility and strategy are honed in completing challenges in each level. Both boys and girls can play together and show their prowess to the last level. Gender equality is clearly embedded on this game. There is no differences of challenges of each level for boys or girls and all must finish the game. (dep / 15.02)


Research on Game and Pervasive Play
