Magnet Car, Ecofriendly-based Game Tool Innovation

May 9, 2024

Ponorogo, Indonesia

Magnetic car is a childhood game that is environmentally friendly as well as pocket friendly. Why? Because of the tools and materials used to make it. How to make it quite easy, so you can try to make it at home.


The tools and materials that need to be prepared are:

1 bottle used for bottled milk

4 used plastic bottle caps

2 used plastic straws

2 sticks

1 pair of magnets

a tool that can be used to make a hole

Glue burn



How to make:

  1. Make a hole in the used milk bottle using a solder / nail in four parts. This hole will be used as the wheel axle
  2. Insert a straw into the hole
  3. Insert the stick into the straw.
  4. Glue stick with used bottle cap (right in the middle point of the inner cap)
  5. Glue the magnet on the bottom of the bottle (the bottom of the bottle will later be useful as the bottom of the car)
  6. The magnetic car is ready to play.


The way to play a Car Magnet is to hold the magnet (which is not glued) then bring it closer to the magnet that has been glued to the back of the car. The magnetic axes that are brought close must be the same in order to provide a repulsive force. The repulsive force is what can move the magnetic car.

Apart from being a tool for play for childhood, this Magnet Cars also give a  new knowledge. When children play this car, children indirectly learn about the nature of magnets, namely repulsion – repulsion and attraction. Apart from knowledge, car magnets can also instill a loving character for the environment through the materials used. Because it uses used goods, it is certain that this magnetic car is an environmentally friendly and pocket friendly game tool, as well as child friendly. (dep / 11.20)


Research on Game and Pervasive Play
